Christmas Giveaway Day10

Welcome to the 12 Scents of Soulmate Series

 Day 10 Giveaway

Today’s Scent of the Day is: Cozy Cottage

Today’s Gift of the Day: ‘Love’ Set

***Congratulations to: Alyssa Halula , who won Day 9’s prize of Orchid Paradise and an Amazon Gift Card***


Today’s scent, Cozy Cottage, derives from the two cottages we see beginning in book 3: the one in Jamaica and the one at the Lewis residence. Dylan, Heaven, and Layne make the best of their small living quarters. But the tension between the trio, especially Dylan and Layne, keeps building.

Pushing off the wall, Layne sidestepped Dylan, moving toward the nearby window. He sucked in a deep breath as he gripped the sill. Bright orange flowers grew near the cottage. Their fruity scent made its way to his nose, helping to soothe his nerves. The urge to punch his friend decreased each time he inhaled.

Layne Perry—What the Heart Takes: Soulmate #3

The thought of staying in the old cottage made Heaven smile because that same house had been her sanctuary growing up. “I love that house. I used to go there to read when I was younger. In fact, I went there a lot when I needed privacy.”

Her mother nodded. “I know. I thought you’d be comfortable there. It keeps us all close but gives you the privacy you need. And it’s big enough for the three of you.”

An icy chill covered Heaven from head to toe, as if she’d met a bucket of ice head-on. She couldn’t believe her mother just touched on the one subject she wanted to avoid, the one subject that would upset Dylan and piss off Layne even more.

“Layne is not staying in the cottage with us, Mom.”

Heaven Lewis—What the Heart Takes: Soulmate #3


imageThough Heaven and her protectors have moved a few times, there’s one important thing she’s remembered throughout the journey. It’s not about the size of your home or the things inside it. It’s about love and family and living each day with the appreciation that you’re a part of something special. Home is where your heart is.

I hope today’s mystery gift will make someone’s home a little cozier this year. Know that it’s being sent with warm thoughts…and Mr. Perry’s seal of approval. 😉

How to Enter the Daily Contest

For your chance to win the Cozy Cottage scented wax and ‘Love’ set:

  1. Comment below and tell me which cottage you’d rather be in: a seaside cottage or a cottage in the woods.
  2. Share this post on your social media outlet of choice via Share box at the bottom of the post.
  3. Like the Pinned post on my Facebook page and comment with which Soulmate character you’d want staying with you in the cottage.***This step is required because this is where I pick the daily winners.***

Grand Prize Giveaway

Don’t forget to enter the Rafflecopter giveaway below for the Grand Prize which includes:

  • 1 Wax Warmer
  • Soulmate Series Scents Set (these will be identical to the scents from the daily giveaway)
  • Author Swag Pack
  • Soulmate Series Book of Choice (if you have all 4 books, I will award a different prize with verification)
  • Secret Layne Perry Autographed Item


Be sure to tell your friends about the giveaway. I’ll be announcing today’s winner between 10pm – 11pm EST on Facebook and on tomorrow’s blog post.

a Rafflecopter giveaway