by Kelli McCracken | Sep 25, 2017 | From the Author, Soulmate Series
Author Kelli McCracken’s September Recap. This Edition Includes: An Accident Writing Projects The State of Soulmate Series An Accident: September started off with a bang and it’s been running in perpetual motion ever since. From releasing What the...
by Kelli McCracken | Jan 24, 2017 | Book News, From the Author, Soulmate Series, What the Heart Takes
Welcome to the Cover Reveal Just two more covers to go after today. It’s been so much fun sharing these and hearing back from readers. I’ve had quite a few people reach out to me and express how much they love them. Now, imagine having these beautiful...
by Kelli McCracken | Aug 4, 2016 | Book News, From the Author, Soulmate Series
Life is a wonderful, beautiful thing. Many of us take it for granted, but it’s over before we know it. That terrifying reality is something I’ve thought about a lot lately. Well, at least since I turned forty. If I live to be in my eighties, my life is...
by Kelli McCracken | Aug 1, 2016 | From the Author, Giveaways, Soulmate Series
My calendar glared at me this morning as a reminder that I needed to post the August Fan Giveaway. Last month’s winners have been announced. Were you one of the lucky 2? Find out here. Now…on to August. Since Layne Perry’s birthday is this month,...
by Kelli McCracken | Jun 30, 2016 | From the Author, Giveaways, Soulmate Series
Calling all Soulmate Series Fans! As a special treat to my readers, I’m hosting a Rafflecopter Giveaway! Would you like to win one of my Soulmate Series Themed T-shirts? How about an Amazon Gift Card and some Character Swag? You could win all 3....
by Kelli McCracken | Sep 30, 2015 | Book News, From the Author, Soulmate Series
It’s been almost 4 years ago since I published my first book, What the Heart Wants, Soulmate #1 (my publiversary is November 26th so keep an eye out for a giveaway around this date 😉 ). While this may not seem like a lengthy amount of time, in this ever-growing...