The Internet: Uniting Readers with Today’s Indie Authors
Gone are the days when editors held the golden keys to The Magical Land of Story. Gone are the days when their own tastes denied the reader of a heart-pounding, page-turning book (Harry Potter was rejected several times before it finally was given a chance). (Say, what?) Or a publisher’s inclination to stay within their comfort zone bypasses a step-out-of-the-box title from an emerging author for another tried-and-true book in the Magic Tree House or Goosebumps series, for example (how many are there?).
The internet and ebook publishing are bridging the gap between Indie Authors with good stories to tell and Pioneering Readers with a passion for tales.
Of course, this new relationship isn’t a random mistake that has spun out of technology. Seasoned Indie Authors, who take pride in their craft and work diligently to bring the best stories to hopeful readers, are winning more and more readers away from the Gate Keepers every day, simply by offering wonderful stories at a reasonable price. Which is great, because reasonable prices make everyone sleep a whole lot better, which puts everyone in a great mood, which leads to random acts of kindness, which… well, you get my point. Indie Authors make the world go round. Not only that, they unite it.
Today, the relationship between reader and author is more transparent, more direct, than ever before. Walls made of agents, publicists, book buyers, and distributors don’t exist between the Pioneering Reader and Indie Author. Writing, itself, no longer seems to be an elusive, mysterious, solitary art. All that exists in this technologically-driven relationship is an author offering his book and a reader willing to take a peek at what lies beneath the cover.
Today’s Indie Author works harder than ever to connect with readers, because Indie Authors know that readers are the final part of the equation when it comes to creating stories. Without readers, what meaning would any stories hold? Readers make any story complete. Readers are the final, can’t-be-ignored seasoning in the perfect bowl of stew. If writers make the world go round, readers are the axis around which it spins.
And you know what? A happy, spinning world allows parties to happen!!!!
Spring Fling takes flight this week when a select group of more than 30 Indie Authors offer their ebooks for FREE from May 7-9!
Many of these authors have already won awards and have made it on the bestseller lists, and they are stepping out in this event with new titles!
At these “prices” you won’t be disappointed. With the wide range of styles and genres to choose from, I’m willing to bet you’ll find a new favorite Indie Author to wave and rave about, not because of a commercial, or a tie-in to a movie at the cinema, or because it seems like a safe bet, but because you set out like a pioneer and discovered him yourself. Go to and Join the ParTay!!