You have written your book, formatted it, picked an ePublisher to sell it (if you don’t know what I mean by ePublisher, please go back and read my last post here). Now you want to get the word out about it. Unless you have a strong network, chances are, you’re not going to see the amount of sales you want to see, unless you are paying for ads. This is why networking is important.
So what is networking? It’s connecting with other people who share your interest, like writing, reading, editing, etc. You can have a mixture of people in your network, too and I recommend it. As authors, we like to make connections with other writers. Why? Misery loves company. I’m teasing of course.
Strangely enough, many avid readers are writers, too. I know that I am, and many of the author connections I’ve made are the same way. We are a like-minded bunch and can sympathize with each other’s writing woes, offer support when we feel like giving up on our dream of writing, can share tips, contacts, etc. You get the point.
If you can network with reviewers, you are helping yourself out in the end, especially if you are an indie author.  Reviewers can make us or break us. While there may not be such a thing as bad publicity, you want a good review. You have to go by their guidelines when submitting your work for review. If you write Sci-Fi, don’t submit to a romance reviewer.  Seems like commonsense but you would be surprised how many people don’t check guideline submissions.
I do stress that if you find a reviewer that you want to approach, read their blog, leave a few comments and FOLLOW them. Don’t think you can just say here, I have a book, can you review it. Reviewers are like retweets on Twitter. It’s an “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine” situation, as it should be. Nothing in life is free. Give and take is a part of the business, so don’t expect to be on the receiving end only.
All authors want to connect with readers. They are the reason we publish our work in the first place. We want them to read our book, and like it of course. Readers are great for getting the word out about our work. They can make us our break us, too so be sure to appreciate the writers you network with and who take time to read your work. They could be reading someone else’s book. Thank them when you hear they are reading something of yours, and if they review it on their blog or somewhere else on the internet, let them know you appreciate it.
I don’t think I need to explain why networking with editors or publisher is important. If you follow them on Twitter and they don’t follow back, it’s okay. Don’t feel offended. Most of the time they tweet helpful info for you to read. If they follow you back, feel honored, as you should with readers and reviewers as well.
Next week, I will discuss where you can network, who some of my network and writing communities are, and why they might work for you. As always, give me some feedback. Leave a comment to let me know what you think of the post, what you didn’t like, and any suggestions you would like to see me post about in the future. I’m always up for suggestions. Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the World Wide Web J