I am so excited to announce that I will be helping out with the @ParaYourNormal twitter stream, blog, and blogtalkradioshow! Is that cool or what?

First off, I have to thank Carolyn McCray (@craftycmc) and Rachel Thompson (@rachelintheOC ) for having faith in my abilities to pull this off. #ohwhatdidtheygetthemselvesinto? These women are two of the coolest people I’ve met in a very long time and wonderful authors to boot 🙂 You can find them on twitter @IndieBookIBC, on their blog, and at their website. Check them out, follow them #youknowyouwantto.

So what is ParaYourNormal? Well, I believe the name says it all! On Twitter, we follow all things paranormal. On the blog, we do interviews with authors, and on the radio show we interview those same authors live. Listeners can call in and ask questions about the author, the book, their publishing process. #iknowyouwanttobeapartofthisright?

I would also like to mention that ParaYourNormal isn’t just for authors/writers who write about vampires, wolves, shifter, etc. (though we do heart these authors) After all, paranormal means anything not normal, right?

Take me for instance. I write in the paranormal romance genre. My book has no vamps #sorrytodisappoint but I do have psychics in it. That’s right, psychics are part of the paranormal romance genre. Don’t believe me? Look it up at Wikipedia . Paranormal also includes time travel as well.

On ParaYourNormal, we go beyond paranormal books and include Urban Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and even some Fantasy.  Sounds good so far, right? I thought so. We like interviewing authors about their book, their life, and tidbits of information they want to share #nothingtoorisquéplease. We are a “G” rated stream, blog, and radio show. Now, I don’t mind interviewing erotic authors here on my personal blog, and if you are one, or know of one, feel free to send them my way. I have yet to do an author interview on my personal blog and I’m getting antsy. And I’m not partial to erotic. I will interview any author of any romance genre.

Back to the topic of ParaYourNormal. Anyone who writes in the genres I listed above should follow this Twtitter Stream. You won’t be sorry you did. And if you know an author of one of these genres, send them my way as well. I will be responsible for a good portion of the blog interview and radio show so contact me here, or on twitter @Kelli_McCracken.

I can’t express how honored I am to be a part of this group of awesome writers. Their talent is off the charts and I’m looking forward to meeting new authors, too.