Wow! It’s been a while since I posted on the blog. A thousand apologies to you all. I thought once the book came out I would have more time. I’m not sure what alternate universe I was living in, but boy was I wrong.

First off, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, to each and every one of you who have expressed your love for What the Heart Wants. One of an author’s biggest fears is sharing their book with the world. People can be cruel, but if you ever want to share your stories with others, you have to grow thick skin, take a deep breath, and make the plunge.

And I did.

I have some good news and bad news to share. The good news:  I began developing the plot line for Book 2. The bad news: My computer died on Wednesday. Always, ALWAYS back up your data. Make it a habit to do this at least once a week. I plan to do it daily.

But there is a light at the end of this dark tunnel. It’s looking like I will be able to recover all my files, including the plot line for book 2!

I’m currently finishing up a piece I’m writing for the IBC romance anthology coming out very soon. I also have a project I am working on with a good friend and fellow author, Amber Scott. As soon as these two projects are finished, my main focus will be on book 2.

Never fear! I am jotting notes and will continue working on the storyline. I’m hoping to have book 2 out this summer. Will keep you updated here as well as on my other social media websites.

For more timely updates, please check out the series’ fan page over on Facebook. I’ve also created a special group for those who enjoy the book. If you friend me on my Facebook account and post on my wall or send me a message that you’d like to be included in this group, I will get you added.

That’s it for me today. Off to work on my other big project. Our new house 🙂 Will be back again soon!