by Kelli McCracken | Nov 20, 2015 | Giveaways, Touched by Magic Series
‘Just in Time for Christmas’ Giveaway Today marks 30 days until my birthday and 5 weeks until Christmas. While I may be dreading hitting the big ‘4 0’, I am looking forward to watching my kids unwrap their presents on Christmas morning. If you...
by Kelli McCracken | Sep 30, 2015 | Book News, From the Author, Soulmate Series
It’s been almost 4 years ago since I published my first book, What the Heart Wants, Soulmate #1 (my publiversary is November 26th so keep an eye out for a giveaway around this date 😉 ). While this may not seem like a lengthy amount of time, in this ever-growing...
by Kelli McCracken | Sep 18, 2015 | From the Author, Giveaways, Touched by Magic Series
It’s Live! Longing for You is now available on Amazon, and for a limited time, it’s priced at $2.99. Make sure you grab your copy, then enter the giveaways below. Giveaway #1 a Rafflecopter giveaway Giveaway #2 a Rafflecopter giveaway Giveaway #3 a...
by Kelli McCracken | Aug 28, 2015 | From the Author, Giveaways, Touched by Magic Series
With the release of Longing for You looming, and the influx of positive feedback from beta readers, my excitement to share this novel increases. Most authors grow with each book. Longing for You will be my seventh release, and I feel as though my writing isn’t...
by Kelli McCracken | Aug 12, 2015 | Breaking the Barrier, From the Author, Vlog
The second episode in my Breaking the Barrier vlog. Today’s topic is the Mystique Antiques Series. Learn how the series began, which books are a part of the series, upcoming spin-off series, and more. Don’t forget to leave questions or comments below....