Theme Song Thursday

So it’s official. I am a published author. Woohoo! Okay, it’s not What the Heart Wants, but The Evil Within features one of my stories in this creepy horror anthology. And it’s just in time for Halloween. It can’t get any better than that,...

Blogger vs WordPress: A Blogging Decision

I took a great #blogging workshop with The Indie Book Collective last night. This is a brand new workshop they are offering, among the other great workshops they offer. I suggest this workshop for those who are curious about blogging, having trouble with blogging, or...

Ding, Ding… Are You Ready to Rumble?

In spite of how much I’ve enjoyed posting information about social media and the importance of it as a writer, today I have to defer to something bigger, better. What is this I speak of? Blog Tour de Force.If you aren’t familiar with BTDF,...

Indie Pride

As promised in my last post, I wanted to talk some more about indie publishing. I talk to many writers who don’t know what indie publishing is (I didn’t at first) or have misconceptions of what it’s all about. I’m here to shed some light on the...