Theme Song Thursday: Change

This will probably be my last Theme Song Thursday post… But not because I’m going anywhere. I’m switching things up here on the blog. Music and videos are switching days. You’ll now be able to find these posts on Tuesday Tunes. Change is good,...

In the Name of Love

By now, most of my followers on this blog and Twitter know that I enjoy writing and reading about love. Romance is my preferred genre of choice and it doesn’t matter what type of romance novel it is: paranormal, suspense, erotic, historical,...

Forever True

It’s been awhile, but I thought I would post another poem here on my blog. I’ve been working on revising my novel so much that I don’t feel like doing a normal blog post, so I’m cheating a little and posting a poem. As always, please comment...

What the Heart Wants: Prologue

If it wasn’t for the pounding of his heart, in his ears, he may have been able to enjoy the picturesque spring day, with birds chirping and singing. An occasion butterfly came floating by while the sun cast its warm rays to the world below it. This vibrant...