Let’s talk a little about beta males. Some are more supportive than a jock strap. Some are there to help the alpha along his journey. To teach him important lessons. Some betas even become the heroes. Then there are betas who just love to make life impossible for anyone who crosses their path.
Sounds a little villainous, doesn’t it? Depends on how you look at it. Some of these betas have good intentions, but you know what they say about good intentions, right?
The latter version describes Layne, my beta male in What the Heart Wants. The guy can’t help but be a pig sometimes. He’s good looking, a rock star, and quite the lady’s man. Not that rock stars are pigs. No way. Dylan is, too, and he is the complete opposite of Layne.
Hard to believe their best friends. But they are.
Even though Layne’s had women falling for him all his life, he can’t help but envy Dylan. Especially later in the story. Sorry, I can’t reveal too much. You’ve got to read the book. If it ever makes it out of edits.
Hey, I’m working on it! 🙂
Layne may be every feminists’ nightmare, but the guy has a soft side, too. He just refuses to show it to people. He wants what every other person wants. Love. But the poor guy just confuses love with sex. He gets plenty of that.
Want to get inside Layne’s mind? You can get to know him a little better by listening to the song below. Consider it Layne’s theme song. Yeah, my beta’s a nempho. He meets his match in What the Heart Wants.
But someone else steals his heart.
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TYqasKDd9I [/youtube]
I can’t wait till your next book is out~ 🙂 What the heart wants is SOOOO good! 🙂
Hi Christiana! Thanks for the comment. I hope to have the second book out this summer. If you’re on Facebook, stop on my the fan page for updates. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Soulmate-Series-by-Kelli-McCracken/119681758079140
I’m in the process of making a group that will give us a private place to chat. If you’re interested, let me know. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts. Take care, sweetie.
plz invite me to the private group. thanks! 🙂 I am on facebook under this name. 🙂 im in a purple dress next to a bride. 🙂
Hey Christina, I’m having a hard time finding you on Facebook. How about you add me as a friend? My Facebook account is http://facebook.com/kelli.mccracken
Look forward to hearing from you.
I loved the book What The Heart Wants cant wait till the next one comes out. Love it to deth
Hi Sarah! Thanks for sharing the love, sweetie! Glad you enjoyed the book. If you’re on Facebook, we have a secret group for fans of the book/series. Would love to add you to it. Let me know if you’re interested.
I just finished the 50 Shades of Grey series and was looking for something similiar. I came upon your book and I realize your writing styles are very similiar except the “shades” series definately had more steam. I am hooked on your book and waiting anxiously for the second book so hurry. I try to buy all the books in a series that way I’m not waiting. I read the 4 books in less than two weeks.
I really enjoyed the book and I hope you top this one with your new book! Keep up the good work.