So by now, most people know that #sanityisoptional when it comes to my life. #understatement. This has been one hell of year, but it’s been a great ride and I’m learning so much that I can’t complain about how nuts things have gotten.
Which brings me to my Theme Song Thursday post today. Crazy (Suitable Case for Treatment) by Nazareth. I love this song, love the group, love the movie this song was a part of. #HeavyMetal the original.
No, I’m not writing about my characters or songs that help me out with writing What the Heart Wants, although Dylan could probably relate to this song in the beginning of the book. Today’s song is all about my crazy life.
Between my duties with PYN and the IBC, I am also trying to beat a deadline for publishing What the Heart Wants in September. Add on the anthology piece I’m writing, the kids being back in school, and my husband who thinks my writing career is me sitting around goofing off on the computer all day, the thought of a nice, white padded room seems like a long over due vacation. đ
Yes, the idea of men in white coats coming to take me away sounds more like a hot date with Calgon lately. But even a white padded room could’t keep out my muse and characters. Hell, they won’t even let me enjoy the privacy of a hot shower. At least they are talking to me. I just wish they weren’t so pushy.
How do you manage your time with writing and …well … life? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Enjoy the video.